How to use it
Create Views
Add a DesktopContainer Control to your Contents (Insert > Container)
Set Name to MyView and Super to ViewController
-Event Handler (Insert > Event Handler...) and initialize MyView:
Drag and Drop some Controls you want to MyView
Drag and Drop a DesktopDisclosureTriangle and add this Code to his
Create Stack
Add a DesktopContainer Control to your Contents (Insert > Container)
Set Name to MyStackView and Super to StackController
Drag and Drop all Views (you created in step before) into MyStackView
Optional if you have set the AutoSetup designtime-only property to False
-Event Handler (Insert > Event-Handler...) and initialize MyStackView:
Create Scroll Container
Add a DesktopContainer Control to your Contents (Insert > Container)
Set Name to MyScrollView
Set Super to ScrollController
Drag and Drop MyStackView into MyScrollView (you don't need to set the position for your controls)
Optional if you have set the AutoSetup designtime-only property to False
-Event Handler (Insert > Event Handler...) and initialize MyScrollView:
Use it within your App
Drag and Drop MyScrollView into your Window
Press Run or Compile
Last updated