Adds extended image and color handling features to Xojo controls. Currently PushButton, RadioButton, PopupMenu, Window, MenuItem and SegmentedControl.
macOS only! Some features are available for Windows too but physically located in User32Addition.
Alpha (extends w As Window / RectControl, Assigns Value As Integer) / As Integer
Sets the transparency value of a Window or a RectControl to a value similar to a Xojo Color Alpha value. Works like a property, which means both is valid:
Dim Alpha As Integer = Window1.Alpha
Canvas1.Alpha = 230
Use the MakeTransparent method on Windows for similar results.
AlternateImage(extends As PushButton / RadioButton, assigns pic As Picture)
An alternate image that appears on the button when the button is in an on state. Example:
me.AlternativeImage = myPicture
AlternateTemplate(extends As PushButton / RadioButton, assigns pic As Picture)
Like alternate image, but the template representation of the image is used. Example:
me.AlternativeTemplate = myPicture
AlternateTitle(extends b As PushButton / RadioButton, assigns value As String) / As String
The title that the button displays when the button is in an on state. Works like a property, which means from inside a pusbutton:
me.AlternateTitle = "Systems online"
Dim s as String = me.AlternateTitle
BringToFront (extends w As Window) [mac + win]
mac + win]
Brings a window to the foreground.
Content (extends p As Popupmenu, Index As Integer, assigns value As ContainerControl)
Assigns an containercontrol as a contentview to the item at the specified index of a popupmenu. Reset to normal cell by assigning Nil.
Draw(extends p As Picture, optional g As Graphics, x As Double, y As Double, width As Double, height As Double, x1 As Double = 0, y1 As Double = 0, sourceWidth As Double = -1, sourceHeight As Double = -1, Operation as NSCompositingOperation = NSCompositingOperation.clear, Opacity as Double = 1
Draws the picture in the specified rectangle of the current CGGraphics context, with optional Blend Modes and opacity. Rest of the parameters are like graphics.DrawPicture. If g is defined, y values are inverted.
DrawAsTemplate(extends p As Picture, optional g As Graphics, x As Double, y As Double, width As Double, height As Double, x1 As Double = 0, y1 As Double = 0, sourceWidth As Double = -1, sourceHeight As Double = -1, Operation as NSCompositingOperation = NSCompositingOperation.clear, Opacity as Double = 1
DrawAsTemplate(extends p As Picture, x As Double, y As Double, width As Double, height As Double)
Like Picture.Draw in this mpdule, except for that the template representation of the picture is being used.
Image(extends s As MenuItem, Scaling As NSImagescaling = NSImagescaling.none, Position As NSCellImageposition = NSCellImageposition.imageleft, assigns Pic As Picture)
The image that appears on the menuitem when it’s in an off state, or nil if there should be no such image.
Use the Images method for Windows.
Image(extends p As PopupMenu, Index As Integer, Scaling As AppkitAddition.NSImageScaling = AppkitAddition.NSImageScaling.None, Position As AppkitAddition.NSCellImagePosition = AppkitAddition.NSCellImagePosition.ImageLeft, assigns value As Picture)
Assigns an image to item at index of a popupmenu.
Image(extends s As PushButton / RadioButton, scaling As NSImageScaling = NSImageScaling.None, position As NSCellImageposition = NSCellImageposition.imageleft, assigns pic As Picture) [mac + win]
[mac + win]
Sets the image that appears on the button when it’s in an off state, or nil if there is no such image.
Scaling and Position are ignored on Windows.
This currently crashes the project under Windows silently when an image or template is assigned second time to a button – because of getting its handle, not because of the declare.
Image(extends s As SegmentedControl, Index as integer, scaling as NSImageScaling = NSImagescaling.ProportionallyUpOrDown, assigns pic As Picture)
Sets the image of a segment to pic, using the specified scaling method.
ImageHugsTitle(extends b As PushButton / RadioButton, assigns value As Boolean) / As Boolean
A Boolean value that determines how the button’s image and title are positioned together within the button bezel. Available since macOS 10.12.
me.ImageHugsTitle = True"
Dim b as Boolean = me.ImageHugsTitle
ImagePosition(extends b As PushButton / Radiobutton, assigns value As NSCellImagePosition) / As NSCellImagePosition
Determines how image and title are placed inside a button cell.
me.ImagePosition = AppKitAddition.NSCellImagePosition.ImageLeft
Dim p as AppKitAddition.NSCellImagePosition = me.ImagePosition
Images(extends parent As Menuitem, s As Menuitem, assigns pics() As Picture) [mac + win]
[mac + win]
Sets the offstate and onstate images for a menuitem. Here for compatibility with the Windows equivalent.
ImageScaling(extends b As PushButton / RadioButton, assigns value As NSImageScaling) / As NSImageScaling
The scaling mode applied to make the cell’s image fit the frame of the image view.
me.ImageScaling = AppKitAddition.NSImageScaling.None
Dim s as AppKitAddition.NSImageScaling = me.ImageScaling
MixedStateImage(extends s As MenuItem, assigns Pic As Picture)
The image of the menuitem that indicates a "mixed” state.
SizeToFit(extends r As RectControl)
Resizes a control to the size accomodating its content, if possible.
Currently available for Push- and RadioButtons on Windows.
Style(extends p As PopupMenu, Assigns value As AppKitAddition.PopupMenuStyle) / As AppKitAddition.PopupMenuStyle
Gets/sets the style of a popupmenu.
Template(extends s As PushButton, scaling As NSImageScaling = NSImageScaling.ProportionallyUpOrDown, position As NSCellImageposition = NSCellImageposition.imageleft, assigns pic As Picture) [mac + win]
[mac + win]
Identical to Image, only that here the template representation of the image is being used. (on Windows the ICON handle if possible)
This currently crashes the project under Windows silently when an image or template is assigned second time to a button – because of getting its handle, not because of the declare.
Template(extends s As SegmentedControl, Index as integer, scaling as NSImageScaling = NSImagescaling.ProportionallyUpOrDown, assigns pic As Picture)
Identical to Image, only that here the template representation of the image is being used.
A style for the background appearance of a control. Values:
Normal appearance
An appearance that makes the control visually more important.
The background is intended to appear higher than the content drawn on it.
The background is intended to appear lower than the content drawn on it.
Works together with ImagePosition, Image and Template methods. Values:
Shows no image. Default value for a control.
Shows only the image, no text.
Image is Left of the text. Default for Image and Template methods.
Image is positioned on the right side of the text.
Image is positioned above the text.
Image is centered and may overlap the text.
Blend mode for the Picture.Draw… methods. See
Values for the ImageScaling methods:
Image is scaled proportionally down to fit into the control.
Image is scaled unproportionally to fit into the control.
No scaling. Image may overlap or be cut.
Proportional scaling, upwards too if necessary.
The default style where item 0 is selectable.
Item 0 becomes the title and is not selectable.
Last updated